In May 2017, Governor Ducey signed SB1434, art therapy services; contracting requirements, into law. This legislation authorizes the state to contract with art therapists who hold active art therapy certification for services provided through the state mental hospital, the state's program of services for persons with disabilities, and state supported hospitals.  Additionally, it defines art therapy for purposes of state law and provides title protection to prevent anyone other than those holding national credentials as art therapists from calling themselves art therapists.

As of August 2017, individuals practicing art therapy must hold appropriate credentials. Employers must be aware of this law and adjust hiring practices to reflect the new requirements. For assistance in understanding the parameters of this regulation, please visit or contact the Arizona Art Therapy Association (AzATA) at to speak with an art therapy professional.

To verify an individual art therapist’s credentials, or to learn about how to become a registered, board certified art therapist, visit

To learn more about the American Art Therapy Association’s national advocacy efforts, as well as support efforts in otherstates:

National Efforts

A chapter of the American Art THerapy Association

Art Therapy and the Law
